Friday, August 14, 2009

Religion-a must?????

Lets be frank, many of you will be wondering what prompted ME to write on such a topic. O don't worry, I’m not going through a crisis of faith or anything of that sort. Nor am i looking for divine intervention to show me the way. This piece is purely out of scholarly interest as i had to speak on this topic at a debate. Psst, don't tell the nuns, for all i know they might make me sit for cathechism remedials after class ;-)
It is often claimed by many people, that man cannot do without some kind of religion, because he is too weak to survive on his own. This, perhaps, is the reason that many religious theists find it incredulous that a person can not only live, but actually enjoy his life without religion. Lets call these guys Orthodox Religious or OR for short. So if you are an indian who’s decided to become an atheist or an agnostic, you need to watch out for the ORs.
First things first. Religion, for a majority of us starts at birth. You are taught the scriptures and rules of the religion your parents follow. And then you spend the rest of your life following it.
Is it because you actually believe what is taught or are you just cozy in your comfort zone? Hmm, its usually the latter isn’t it? Let sleeping lions lie. But why stop those who wish to take a different path?
Some of the arguments put forward by the ORs are:
1. Religion is necessary for life to have meaning: Not true. For life to have meaning, you need to have something worth valuing. How much you value a person or a relationship depends on the choices you make. Nothing can teach you the value of a person.
2. Morals can only be taught by religion: Really?? In that case, Hitler, Bin Laden and Khomeni should be saints don't you think? As kids we’re all taught to differentiate right from wrong. Its our decision after that. For all you know, religion can give quite a warped sense of right and wrong.
The list of arguements is endless. But no one can deny the fact that religion is a bone of contention the world over. More so in a ‘secular’ country like India. How can you justify religion when it drives people to draw blood? And yet the truth is that most people are unaware of the basic essence of the faith they follow. All religions condemn killing, so holy wars and crusades don't get you to heaven. Every religion seems convinced that it is the original word of god and all other religions are only fit to be exterminated. i’m surprised this hasn’t caused a full scale war yet.
So, finally, do we need Religion? If you ask me, i’d say its a matter of personal choice. Just because a person decides s/he doesn’t need religion, it doesn’t mean that the person is evil and his/her soul is condemned to eternal damnation. Whats more important? That a person has a religion to fill into a government form? Or is it more important that he/she is a decent human being?
For me, thats what matters most, that you are a good human being. Everything else is secondary. I dont care if you're a christian, a hindu or a muslim. As long as you know how to treat a fellow human, i'd be proud to call you my friend. And a line from Tagore rings loud in my ears, maybe because its been drilled in over the ears as a daily prayer. Most people just recite the words without meaning it, but just take a minute and it'll make sense.
'where the world has not been broken up;
into fragmenby narrow domestic walls;
into that heaven of freedom my father,
let my country awake.'


Trishma said...

I have the very opposite stance on this issue ;) maybe i should publish my speech too? :)

Sushant Singh said...

same here i hv same view like Trishma. :)

Adi said...

Lots to talk about. Bold piece though.
I do agree with you when you say that we accept and follow a religion by virtue of birth. We are also indoctrinated to accept a faith uncritically from a young age as we do not have the power to reason and differentiate.

I also have strong views when you say that all religions believe that the other has to be exterminated.

It reminds me of Karl Marx. He believed that religion is OPIUM. It forms divisions and creates classes. I do agree with Mr. Marx for the sole reason that when we look around today, we see a world of divisions and discrimination. There are large inequalities and a majority of them are formed by religions. Moreover, we have divisions in a particular religion to further crate a sense of seclusion among a religion.

All forms of complexities can be eliminated from religion. And people are using religion as a TOOL to create rifts and spread fear in people. False dogmas are spreading among illiterate youth which is a matter of huge concern.

After seeing the movie PARZANIA, i agree and relate with a major part of your article.

As you very rightly put up in the end, AS LONG AS YOU ARE A GOOD HUMAN BEING IT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. Because, when the decision has to be made whether you have to go to heaven or hell, God judges you based on your VALUES and not your status, caste, religion, money or looks.

It reminds me of what Abraham Lincoln said "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion."

N that should be everyone's religion for this world to be a peaceful and beautiful place to live in, rather than beat the living hell out of every person.

Sojo Varughese said...

I wish everyone thought about religion the way you do :)

Yulia D'Souza said...

thanks guys, i'll be updating soon, i know its been a while.
n adi, well what can i say, you seem to have posted a mini blog here ;-)

Adi said...

Read my article on religion..